5.5 The Batch Directory Synchronization Tool

MyID can be configured to update user information in MyID from the LDAP directory automatically when a user record is selected. This tool does the same thing for all accounts in MyID.

The Batch Directory Synchronization Tool is used to synchronize users imported into MyID with the latest information held in the directory. If MyID is integrated with multiple LDAP directories, all the directories will be included in the synchronization process.

You run the tool on the MyID application server, under the MyID COM user. You can run the tool from the Start menu, from the command line or as a scheduled task. For an installation containing a significant number of records, Intercede recommends that you run the synchronization tool as a scheduled task.

5.5.1 Configuring the Synchronization Tool for load sharing

Where multiple application servers are available, you can configure the Synchronization Tool to spread processing load over these servers.

Where load sharing is required, the records processed by each application server are specified by providing the range of records to be processed using start and end percentile range values.

To ensure that all records are processed by the servers, the specified percentile ranges must cover the full percentile range from 0 to 100%; for example, a simple split with two application servers may be:

To ensure that all the records are processed, the Synchronization Tool will process all records up to the top of the percentile range.

Important: Use of load sharing is enabled only when the whenChanged option has not been selected

5.5.2 How does the Synchronization Tool work?

The Synchronization Tool processes all the records in the MyID database that are mapped to entries in an LDAP directory.

Note: When the tool is run for the first time since installation or upgrade, it runs without the whenChanged behavior, whatever options you select; this is to provide an initial successful run to set the start time of the last successful run in the database. If you select the whenChanged option, the tool displays a warning:

All changes are written directly to the MyID database and are fully audited.

5.5.3 Revoking certificates

The behavior of MyID in revoking certificates for users who have been removed from the directory depends on the combination of MyID configuration options:

Disable on removal from directory

Revoke certificates if user is removed or disabled



User in MyID is unaffected.


User in MyID is unaffected.


User is disabled in MyID. Associated certificates are unaffected.


User is disabled in MyID and associated certificates are revoked.

5.5.4 Running the tool from the Start menu

By default, the tool runs in interactive mode from the Start menu. You can change this by editing the properties of the shortcut to incorporate the flags specified in section 5.5.5, Running the tool from the command line.

Note: Run the utility under the MyID COM user account.

A summary of the records processed and the time taken is displayed on completion of the synchronization process.

Checked against LDAP 12242, Updated 9191 ( removed from LDAP(2), disabled in LDAP(3) )

This means that the tool carried out the following:

Note: If the Disable on removal from directory option on the LDAP page of the Operation Settings workflow is set, the users removed from the LDAP and the users disabled in the LDAP will also be disabled in MyID. Running the tool with the whenChanged option

  1. From the Start menu, run the Batch Directory Synchronization Tool.
  2. To update only those records that have been changed since the last time the Batch Directory Synchronization Tool was run, select the whenChanged option.
  3. Click Synchronise.

    Progress is displayed both in the text area and in a progress bar towards the bottom of the dialog. Running the tool by specifying a processing range

  1. From the Start menu, run the Batch Directory Synchronization Tool.
  2. Specify the Start range and End range to be processed by the tool.

  3. Do not select the whenChanged option.

  4. Click Synchronise.

    Progress is displayed both in the text area and in a progress bar towards the bottom of the dialog.

    The output displays the user ID range that is processed by the synchronization process.

    Processing user ID range: 4 – 12251

    When checking each user ID in the above range, the user ID is first checked in MyID to determine if:

    • The user ID is associated with a user.

    • The user is an LDAP user. This is determined by checking that the user has a DN and is marked as linked to an LDAP external server.

    No further processing is required on any user ID that does not satisfy the criteria for being a valid LDAP user record within MyID; otherwise, the user data is compared against the corresponding user LDAP data. An update action, and audit, is performed as a result of this comparison if:

    • The user has been disabled in LDAP but is enabled in MyID.

    • The user is enabled in LDAP but disabled in MyID.

    • The user is not found in LDAP.

    • The checked user data does not match.

    No update is required otherwise.

    On completion, a summary of the action taken on the LDAP user records is provided; for example:

    Checked against LDAP 12242, Updated 9191 ( removed from LDAP(2), disabled in LDAP(3) )

    In this example:

    • 12242 LDAP records where checked.

    • Of these, 9191 records met one or more of the criteria requiring an update. This count includes:

    • Users who have been removed from LDAP. Set to 2 in the above example.

    • The users who were found to be disabled in LDAP. Set to 3 in the above example.

    A breakdown summary of the split in the processing time between updated and not updated records is also provided on completion:

    Updated records 9191, Check and update time: 1636s, Audit time: 215s

    Records not updated: 3051, Check time: 281s, Audit time: 0s

    This means that:

    • 9191 records required some sort of update, either to synchronize the LDAP change, or to remove or disable/enable a user.

    • The total time spent on checking and updating these records was 1636 seconds.

    • The total time spent on adding audit information for these records was 215 seconds.

    • 3051 records were found to not require any update. The total time spent on processing these records is 281 seconds.

    An intermediate summary of the records processed is provided every 5% percentile range:

    Percentile records information: Range 0 – 5% Updated 2046 Not Updated 3051 records

5.5.5 Running the tool from the command line

Note: Run the utility under the MyID COM user account.

You can run the Batch Directory Synchronization Tool from the command line using the following command lines:

The case of the command-line options is not important. You can also use the first two letters of the command-line options instead of the full name; for example:

-st 10 -en 20

instead of:

-startrangepercentile 10 -endrangepercentile 20

If the tool detects an error in the command-line options, it displays a help dialog. This does not appear if you are using -silent or -autorun.

To record the details of the process to a specified file, including any command-line processing errors, add the -trace flag to the command. You can use this flag either alone or with the other flags. For example, you could run:

BatchLDAPSync.exe -silent -whenchanged -trace LDAPSync.log

If you do not specify a filename, batchldap.log in the current folder is used. The MyID COM+ user must have permission on this folder to create and write to the trace file.

Note: You are recommended to use the -trace option when running in -silent mode.

5.5.6 Running as a scheduled task

You can run the Batch Directory Synchronization Tool as scheduled task using standard Windows functionality.

The program to be run is called BatchLDAPSync.exe and the flags available are described in section 5.5.4, Running the tool from the Start menu.

5.5.7 Troubleshooting